Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pone biscuit

When our children were not much less than teenagers we often found ourselves short  of money. One such time when we were also short of groceries my wife fixed gravy and a pone biscuit for supper. We gave thanks for this meal but my wife and I were sad because we knew this was all we had to feed our family. To our surprise our children were delighted with the meal and often asked when mama was going to fix one of those pone biscuits again. We still praise GOD for the lessons we learn even from an old pone biscuit. Thank you Lord for providing for the Plummer family!!!!


  1. My hubby's version of pone biscuits was toast with gravy. He loved it too! My family ate a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The Lord has always provided for us.

  2. I've never heard of pone biscuits? We ate a lot of macaroni and cheese from the box but the best treat was when the older couple who owned the house we rented, brought us fresh vegi's from their garden! Yum
