Thursday, January 14, 2010

Food & water

Ho,every one that thirsteth,come ye,buy, and eat; yea,come,buy wine and milk without money and without price. Isaiah 55:1 Our constant desire for some sort of personal satisfaction often seems endless. Paul told Timothy that Godliness with contentment  is great gain. I have met people in the church,both rich & poor. I have only been in the church 39 yrs. I suppose my observations have been limited but it is my opinion that the happiness people I have met are those with the greatest desire to please GOD. Like descending  angels they bring whatever seems necessary to the least of these my brethren. It has been important to me to always look up,whether to GOD or to my brethren. My station in life is truly low,but my aspirations are very high.  Must go,a brother just called,his mother just passed away. Please pray for him  & his family! May GOD bless!

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