Thursday, January 7, 2010

Heart stuff!!

20 yrs ago a small army of brethren came to our door with a huge amount of gifts. At the time I had been confined to a wheelchair & obviously  not able to work. We had put up a fake tree & wrapped empty boxes to place them under the tree. At the time we had 3 children at home. My wife was working but only made 5 dollars an hr. They brought us the best Christmas any of us can remember plus a huge amount of groceries. When things seem hopeless God always comes through. Our children are all grown now. My wife & I have truly been blessed since then but we often look back & remember how the LORD delivered us then & many times since.If you start at the top there is  nowhere to go but down. Starting at the bottom however makes every blessing precious. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem,so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever. PSALM 125: 2      GOD BLESS!


  1. Brother Stubby! This is Sister Dayna from Oregon. You and your wife have prayed many times for my daughter Sister Brittany and I'm so glad to be able to write and thank you! What you wrote about "being at the bottom makes every blessing precious" touched my heart. Our family has been lifted up by the brethren many times in our lives. There were many nights spent waiting on God for deliverance for our daughter and while relief doesn't always come, grace always does. God has been so merciful and we were able to spend another Christmas with her. She still struggles with heart pain and has a pretty constant stomach ache but it is such a blessing to see her up smiling and moving about and a great comfort to know that the brethren are there every step of the way.
    Love to you and your dear wife

  2. I love your words Bro.Stubby. Please keep posting <3
