Thursday, January 28, 2010

Have a wonderful day!!!!!!

Jan. 24th I quietly celebrated my 39th birthday. Obviously it was not the one that everyone seemed to pay the most attention to which came and went Jan. 4th leaving me 62 yrs old. Yet it is one certainly that I say brings me to my knees to thank GOD for that day. The blessings since then have been overwhelming,a loving family,a beautiful wife and many friends. The Church was in hard labor to deliver this child. When my wife and I moved into this old house we anointed the doorpost with oil and prayed that GOD would bless our home. Please Lord don't let anyone leave here cold,hungry or hopeless. Today we thank you GOD not that we are anything,but you have allowed us to share what you have given us. Wonderful days are ahead for those that love the Lord. Make today wonderful for someone else. I bet you will never regret it. May GOD bless you today.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pone biscuit

When our children were not much less than teenagers we often found ourselves short  of money. One such time when we were also short of groceries my wife fixed gravy and a pone biscuit for supper. We gave thanks for this meal but my wife and I were sad because we knew this was all we had to feed our family. To our surprise our children were delighted with the meal and often asked when mama was going to fix one of those pone biscuits again. We still praise GOD for the lessons we learn even from an old pone biscuit. Thank you Lord for providing for the Plummer family!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Food & water

Ho,every one that thirsteth,come ye,buy, and eat; yea,come,buy wine and milk without money and without price. Isaiah 55:1 Our constant desire for some sort of personal satisfaction often seems endless. Paul told Timothy that Godliness with contentment  is great gain. I have met people in the church,both rich & poor. I have only been in the church 39 yrs. I suppose my observations have been limited but it is my opinion that the happiness people I have met are those with the greatest desire to please GOD. Like descending  angels they bring whatever seems necessary to the least of these my brethren. It has been important to me to always look up,whether to GOD or to my brethren. My station in life is truly low,but my aspirations are very high.  Must go,a brother just called,his mother just passed away. Please pray for him  & his family! May GOD bless!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Are you happy?

Blessed literally means happy. At a very low point in my life a brother put his hand on my shoulder & said I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. I fell upon him that he had to hold me up. I also gave the Lord complete control over the situation. What rejoicing there was when I awoke & found my son was alive. I have found many times it is hard for me to step aside & let GOD take full control. I know now only those that are humble shall walk freely on the streets of heaven. If you can not give yourself a living sacrifice what should you expect in return? Dig into your heart & give of your most coveted treasures to those in need. It may surprise you how much comfort,strength,love & faith it will bring to others. Be happy! The Lord is on his way!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Heart stuff!!

20 yrs ago a small army of brethren came to our door with a huge amount of gifts. At the time I had been confined to a wheelchair & obviously  not able to work. We had put up a fake tree & wrapped empty boxes to place them under the tree. At the time we had 3 children at home. My wife was working but only made 5 dollars an hr. They brought us the best Christmas any of us can remember plus a huge amount of groceries. When things seem hopeless God always comes through. Our children are all grown now. My wife & I have truly been blessed since then but we often look back & remember how the LORD delivered us then & many times since.If you start at the top there is  nowhere to go but down. Starting at the bottom however makes every blessing precious. As the mountains are round about Jerusalem,so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever. PSALM 125: 2      GOD BLESS!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Take time!

New yr also another yr older. Time flies as it seems only recently I was waiting for the birth of my 1st child. she now will turn 40 in feb. Suddenly 3 more now all in their 30's. WOW!!  7 grandhildren,such blessings. I have survived many losses from war,financial failures and physical disabilities. I often tell people that starting over is not all that bad. If life were not challenging what fun  would that be?  I have learned whatever happens,good or bad,GOD has always taught me to expect great things to occur in my life and truly they have. As I survey my life I know he has been there at every turn. I have lost count of the times he has spared my life.I long to meet him,as for now I can only thank him and let those I meet they can depend on him too. If you take time for him you will be surprised the time he will take for you. May GOD bless you!