Monday, September 6, 2010

Pass it on!

Many years ago I was called into GOD`S kingdom. Jan. 24th of 1971. I was not raised by a family in the faith. As I look back one of the things that astonished me was that everyone seemed much older than me. Since those days most of those brethren haved passed on. I sure miss them! It was an absolute pleasure and privelage for me to sit in there prescence and hear their testimonies. I truly relish those times and was filled with wonder as they spoke of their faith and experiences. I pray often as I did then. Please dear Lord let me be found worthy to once again to sit at their feet. Plese Lord give me wisdom to carry on this wonderful church tradition so that the faith may continue to be passed on from faithful man to faithful man.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Make your day!

Life sure seems more complicated than I ever remember. Daily we are overwelmed with all sorts of  problems,engine lights on our cars,malfunctioning appliances,plugged toilets,unfriendly people,and to many other things to mention. All of which demand our attention. Besides all of these small distractions we face are the constant threats of losing our jobs,even some of our basic freedoms. Many people will lose their homes and find life is going to be much harder than it has been. All of these things are only the beginning of troubles. A master plan has been in the works for some time to remove GOD from sight,sound and minds of any that would believe in him. We must therefore be aware that before things get better they will get much worse. I encourage all believers to encourage one another. The church today must stand in the face of  all evil. Whether a small problem or a major crisis we must embrace the Lord and one another  to overcome.
Anything that comes between us and our faith will only destroy us whether a terrorist or just a terrible day. I pray daily that brethren everywhere are still holding up holy hands and praying for each other. To you that overcome!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Stolen password

I do not understand what happened the last post was not mine.Sorry for that.
So I try to go in and delete the last post.And I could not get in blogger ,my password did not work.
So as you can see I reset my password.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Sometimes we must remember the low spots in our life to appreciate the highs. In January of 1991 I was confined to a wheelchair in the veterans hospital. I had sustained a spinal cord injury that left me unable to walk plus a bonus of great pain in my arms,legs &feet. To relieve the pain in my feet I would wheel outside & stick my bare feet in the snow. On one such occasion another fellow crashed into me in his wheelchair. Kind of made me mad. He began to talk to me about all that he had been heart surgery,diabetes & the amputation of both legs. He ended the conversation with praises to GOD. Wow! I still had my legs & a promise from GOD that I would walk again. I never seen that guy again but I have not forgotten him or his joy that bannered above his afflictions. Did GOD send him? I believe he did. I bring this up once in a while that someone else might be lifted up as I was. I still have many physical problems but today I rejoice over the sure mercies of my Lord. May he find you rejoicing also. Love & prayers; Bro. stubby.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The law!

40 yrs ago I took for granted that most everyone believed in GOD. Even now I still believe America is still the best place for a christian to live. I also know that our faith is being challenged by a few people that seem to believe that they have more rights than we do. As a fellow human being they embarass me. As christians we must pray for all those who oppose GOD,his son,and for that matter us. I know that soon everyone shall know that GOD is real. In our society across the world many things that were unlawful and unacceptable a few yrs ago have become the rule of law today. The rule of law has not changed for us christians,for it is the law of GOD that rules in our hearts. A law that requires us to love unconditionly,to have faith unwavering,and to do good to all men especially those of the household of faith. If you you feel threatened remember that which is in you is greater than that wich is in the world.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

True rewards!

What do you have and what is it worth? Has it been a gift or did  you earn it? In the parable of the talents  three men were each given a sum of money. By todays values this probably ranged from 5 to 25 million dollars if these were talents of gold or from 4 hundred thousand to2 million dollars if it were silver. Each that invested it wisely was rewarded and commended. Jesus witnessed a poor widow that put all her living into the temple treasury two mites wich by todays value is about 50 cents. Jesus called his disciples together so they could see what she had done. Whatever you have are you investing it that it might profit others? If so I believe your reward  shall more than compensate for all that you have spent. Money or effort you shall have in return more than you need now plus the promise of eternal life to come. May all that you do prosper in the Lord.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Even me!

I often look back and try to remember where I came from. It helps me keep things in perspective. I have been in the Church now almost 40 years. It has helped me to know that GOD is able to see what is possible rather than what is probable. I recently read a sisters blog about Ruth. It seemed incredible to me that Ruth who is in the lineage of Christ was a gentile. Even more incredible is that Boaz was the son of Rahab the harlot and the grandfather of king David. I am more keenly aware today that GOD  makes selections still of nobodies like me that no one can glory about themselves. I quite honestly know that it is such a privelage for me to sit  with the Saints in his house. Although twice the presbytery has layed hands on me I still feel as though I will always be least in his kingdom. Yet to be at the bottom in his kingdom is better than anything I have ever known. Ruth came from the roles of welfare to the robes of nobility. I am thankful to be reminded of this wonderful lesson. In my fathers house are many mansions. I hear there are still rooms available. May GOD bless!