Monday, April 12, 2010

Even me!

I often look back and try to remember where I came from. It helps me keep things in perspective. I have been in the Church now almost 40 years. It has helped me to know that GOD is able to see what is possible rather than what is probable. I recently read a sisters blog about Ruth. It seemed incredible to me that Ruth who is in the lineage of Christ was a gentile. Even more incredible is that Boaz was the son of Rahab the harlot and the grandfather of king David. I am more keenly aware today that GOD  makes selections still of nobodies like me that no one can glory about themselves. I quite honestly know that it is such a privelage for me to sit  with the Saints in his house. Although twice the presbytery has layed hands on me I still feel as though I will always be least in his kingdom. Yet to be at the bottom in his kingdom is better than anything I have ever known. Ruth came from the roles of welfare to the robes of nobility. I am thankful to be reminded of this wonderful lesson. In my fathers house are many mansions. I hear there are still rooms available. May GOD bless!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thank you Lord!

I have lived a few years now and have been able to enjoy many of them. Of course I have also  had a couple of bad days now and then. But overall life has been pretty good for me and mine. I try to thank GOD every day for his blessings. I often praise GOD for the ability to walk. I have not always been able to do so. I realize every step I take has been the the direct result of the prayers of the faithful. If you think life has not been fair to you consider those who have gone on before you rejoicing in their pain,afflictions,poverty and humilation. Life is good! This is the day the Lord hath made rejoice and be glad in it. If you plan now to live forever your journey must begin on grateful dirty knees praising GOD and blessing those around you. People say misery loves company but the fact is joy is much better company to keep.