Thursday, December 31, 2009

Politically wrong,GOD correct!!!

Politically correct! Bologna! The truth shall make you free. It is important to maintain GOD in your your heart & life. Especially when pc is trying to take all that we know & love away from us. For all that believe in GOD be strong & stand up. Pray without ceasing for our right to have GOD from the schoolroom to the courtroom. Our country is destined to fail without him. I believe GOD will take into account this nations faith or lack of it. If this country is mostly christian then let the majority have a voice. Praise god even though it is not politcally correct wherever & whenever. Perhaps he will he will take into cosideration that some of us are GOD correct.


  1. Hello Bro. Stubby! Nice to see a Brother blogging! I think you are right... let's throw out politically correct and bring back Godly correctness!

    Love to all your church!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world Bro. Stubby!
